Oprah calls it an "ah ha moment," Malcolm Gladwell calls it a "tipping point," I just saw it as a natural evolution as more and more signs pointed in a direction that made me really happy and, more importantly, was good for the earth. I try my best not to make this blog too autobiographical, but I feel that this one time in the beginning it would be alright to explain myself. This post is about what, and who, recently lead me here in the hopes that it might be a path worth exploring for yourself.
1. Our trip to Paris.
My roommate Lauren and I left New York pretty suddenly in March to get away and stay with her (now our) friend Jacquie. There was something about staying in a quaint Parisian apartment, eating freshly baked bread and pastries, having simple, home cooked gourmet meals at night, and just living plainly but chicly that really made an impact. I learned that I lived too fast in New York, and that vintage shopping, market going, and pastry eating was more than plenty to keep me sane. Jacquie taught me a tremendous amount about taste (in the design and food sense), taking life in strides, and being a lovely Parisienne (even if she did marry into it). You can learn more about her and follow her here.
Jacquie's Gorgeous Set Table
2. Food, Inc.
It truthfully started a long while back with Fast Food Nation, but to be contemporary about it, Food, Inc. is what pried opened my tightly shut eyes to the food industry's horrible, horrible, corruption. I mean who the fuck knew?? I watched the documentary soon after arriving back in New York and it just made me queasy, knowing what I had lived on in Paris and what I'd already been binging on since back in the States. Sick. I mean I grew up in the south, I grew up around hog farms, I lived through Hurricane Floyd, I saw the destruction the industry has on the earth and I didn't even think about it. I ate my BBQ and I was happy. Happy and unhealthy.
3. Earthlings.
As Ellen said, Food, Inc. is 'like a Disney movie' compared to Earthlings. For me it was the nail in the coffin for animal products. I won't say much more about the Joaquin Phoenix-narrated documentary, except that I threw up and cried for a while after watching it and haven't eaten meat, dairy, or eggs since. Only. Only watch this if you're serious about being vegan, because you won't have much of a choice afterwards. You can watch the captivating and enlightening interview with the beautiful Ellen below. You should check out the whole thing (why wouldn't you, it's Ellen), but she speaks of her vegan ways and influences about halfway through. And you can visit the [intense] Earthlings website and watch the trailer here.
God she's awesome. Thanks ML for posting that interview, btw.
4. The Kind Diet.
I'd seen that Alicia had a cookbook out a while back, but only being marginally vegetarian at the time I thought, "cool," but it didn't really apply to me. Then, the day after I watched Earthlings, I went to the farmer's market to get my veggies, but on the walk home realized I had no idea what to make with them, and it just dawned on me that her book would be perfect. I had no idea that Alicia would become my personal best friend and gal-pal through the whole transition. Her book is like Clueless for curious yet clueless herbivores. Everything she says is genuine and adorable, but one of my favorite quotes of hers in the book is on page 21 and continues to page 22.
And maybe it's not in our nature to eat meat. If I were to put a child in a room with a live lamb and say, "That's your dinner... go for it!" what do you think she would do? Chances are I'd come back an hour later to find them cuddling on the floor together. A young tiger would know what to do... but a human? I understand that some of our ancestors had to kill, but they did it for survival, used the whole animal, and expended enormous amounts of energy in the hunt. That's a world away from scarfing down a double cheeseburger for lunch at your desk.
Alicia's tone is perfect throughout the book. Exactly the down-to-earth funny tone that you'd expect your best friend to have whilst explaining her absurd-why-would-you-ever-give-up-meat switch in diet. My mom was visiting when I was in the middle of reading it, and she is now a proud owner of the book as well and possibly a new vegetarian! It's just delightful. Visit Alicia's blog [my new homepage] The Kind Life here.
5. No Impact Man
Just a great, great documentary about a great guy living in a great city [New York] trying to neutralize his carbon footprint. Made me realize the greatness of living in a great city doing great things for your health and the earth. It's so informative and FEEL GOOD. Learn more about and follow my last inspiration here.
So there you have it. Whether you know me and was wondering 'what the hell' when you learned I was now vegan, or you don't and you just stumbled across this blog, those are the 5 main reasons I'm happier today than I've ever been.
ahhh so lovely... thanks lovely.